Bobbex Animal Repellents

case study .01


Bobbex contacted me requesting I bid on creating a new website that would boost online sales. My analysis of their current communications included a strong recommendation to first improve the company branding, including logo, tagline and product packaging. Upon presentation of rebranding concepts, client agreed.


  • Branding: logo, tagline, graphic  images and symbols used for all marketing and packaging
  • Website: SEO strategy, content writing, design, photography, coding
  • Videos: script writing, directing, production of promotional and instructional videos
  • Packaging: Copywriting, design, pre-press prep for all consumer and commercial product package labels
  • Collateral: copywriting, design of customer and dealership sales brochures.
  • POP: designed retail product displays and trade show booth design


Launch of new website, combined with new branding and product packaging, yielded a collective sales increase of over 30% the first year.

New branding, extended to business cards, sales materials, and show display

Packaging design of all products | Consumer and Professional/Commercial

Bobbex tri-fold retail/consumer brochure

Bobbex Commercial Repellents flyer

Bobbex dealership product flyer

 Overvies video detailing product use

Video promoting product benefits and advantages